Friday, October 2, 2009

A cliched intrigue!!!

In this cosmic equation,
Why am I? I ask I?

The feet walking suddenly stand;
Just like a pebble in a desert sand,
I question the existence;
Irrelevant feels the pertinence -
"The most superior being
is here to just work, eat and sleep?"
The innumerous philosophies
inheriting the innate diplomacies,
Makes me doubt the word identity;
When each man's the same entity.

I am existing without a reason,
Pair of eyes without a vision.
The nouns around give no clue;
The adjectives aren't any true;
I am an exaggeration of naught,
An intellectual without a thought.
Expressions are stabbed every moment,
Paper notes imply body movement;
The multiple self's always have a strife,
Even the dark would be brighter than such a life.
Even the dark would be brighter than such a life.

In this cosmic equation,
Why am I? I ask I?

It seems a mockery, the whole affair a lie;
I am pretending life, but,
I prefer to die.


rashmikant said...

too good..perfectly or almost perfectly describing my life..

Ranjani Mitra said...

Its too melancholic and depressing.....get out of these dark thoughts and see the flowers blooming, children smiling, raindrops on your face (only it does'nt rain in aapnu ahmd),a hot cuppa tea......etc. '
Look deep within and all the meaning and happiness of life will get revealed to you......

Inscrutable said...

Point taken..

Salvwi Prasad said...

hey it was nice till i read the end... why did you end it on a depressing note ... you could have depicted a little optimism at the end....

Inscrutable said...

Hmmm.. I dont know why i did that. It was the first thing that came 2 my mind. A bit new to this thing... So Point taken ...